Monday, January 8, 2018

Lessons Learned From God and God's People

There are many lessons to be learned from the failures of God's people recorded in scriptures. | (386) 232-8704

He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee – Psalm 81:16 There are great lessons to be learned even from the failures of God’s people recorded in the Scriptures. God says if his people had obeyed his voice he would have subdued their enemies and fed them with honey out of the rock. But they rebelled and walked in their own counsels.

How sad is it that a person could have enjoyed the richest of blessings from their gracious God, instead they choose to give in to their own desires and suffer the consequences of their disobedience.

How often have you neglected the place of blessing? There is counsel and comfort in God’s Word but you have spent little time reading it. There are rich mercies to be found on the throne of grace but you have neglected prayer. There are joys and blessings to be found in God’s house but you have been attracted by the empty promises of the world.

Churches sometimes mourn the loss of spiritual fervor enjoyed in former days. But instead of being brought to repentance for sin and neglect, the excuse is made that we live in difficult times. The lack of power in preaching is a concern but still messages to make people feel good to take precedence over sound biblical exposition.

The next time you are facing the temptation to sin or to squander God’s blessings, remember this: God is willing and able to bless his people. Today, heed his call to return. Call upon him, knowing he is willing to hear and ready to bless. | (386) 232-8704 | | |
baptist church, baptist church debary, cross pointe baptist, cross pointe baptist church, cross pointe baptist church orange city, church

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