Monday, September 12, 2016

We Know the Lord Walks with Us All the Time

Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful. James 5:11 (NKJV)

There has been a time when we question if the light at the end of the tunnel will ever be visible. Will the pile ever get smaller? Will the worries ever stop? When will the Lord show up? Allow me to tell you a story of an acquaintance.

A young man had been married for 15 years, but his marriage wasn't what it used to be. They had grown distant and cold to one another. "Going through the motions" was putting it lightly. If there had been an opportunity to sleep in separate bedrooms they would have. How much could he endure?

Emails left open and phone bills increasing in price led to the inevitable... an affair was occurring. How much could he endure?

Their ten year-old just diagnosed with something they felt all along: Autism. Slowly tearing their family further apart. How much could they endure?

Flustered and frustrated with life, his wife missed an important meeting a client. She showed up on Monday to discover that she had been let go because the company missed a six figure deal. How much could she endure?

But we know the Lord walks with us all the time. Think of where we'd be without the Lord? We can endure. It may not be the happy ending in storybooks we want, but we will be given another day to endure by the Father.

Job, as he was enduring the pain and sorrow of his lengthy ordeal, felt as if he had been utterly forsaken by God. But the example of Job should remind us that even when grief or turmoil hide the face of God from us, he is still working tenderly toward our sanctification and glory.

For this reason, James declares, we count them happy which endure. Those who steadfastly endure the trials God sends their way are, in the end, the most blessed people on earth. Their lives have brought glory to God, their testimony has pointed to eternity, and their faithfulness has reminded us of God’s goodness. | (386) 232-8704 | | |

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